Record 152,000+ Bitcoin transactions following constant growth all year

Live Bitcoin Transactions
Bitcoin Transactions

Over the past year, Bitcoin transaction volume has been continuously increasing, as can be seen in the below chart. Daily transaction volume has increased from around 60,000 to over 100,000, a remarkable 70% increase. On May 28, there were 152,848 Bitcoin transactions, shattering the previous record.

This is an indicator that Bitcoin is becoming increasingly popular across the globe. People realize how powerful Bitcoin is, you can transfer money anywhere in the world instantly without the typical oversight, limitations, fees, and delays associated with using banks or money transfer services like Western Union.

This has given Bitcoin users unparalleled freedom to conduct business, resulting in a gold rush Esque boom of Bitcoin businesses.

Every single day there are dozens of businesses popping up that use Bitcoin as their primary mechanism of monetary transfer, and many of these end up becoming quite profitable since users anywhere in the world can instantly buy goods and services, vastly expanding the potential customer base.

This is in stark contrast to opening a shop that relies on local business, which often fail due to a lack of customers. I believe that Bitcoin is on track to become as popular as credit cards and will eventually have billions of users.

Successful Bitcoin business owners of the present day will become incredibly wealthy and powerful over the next several decades, becoming the Rockefellers and Carnegies of a new era where people have absolute freedom to utilize their money.


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